
here we are. are you ready for me?

old dogs learn new tricks. i like spinning to electronic beats on the trainer. yes...i am a good spinner. no more mashing. and... i am a techy. i own an i phone. and i know about apps. so look out. i am looking for the perfect swimmer app and then i will be all set.

this world is just crazy full of change. some of it is very bad, as you all know. some of it is quite good. much of it causes or contributes to attention deficit would be good if more people had the hyperactive part.

the aural landscape in my head is exploding now that it is indoor training season and i have new toys, like,  my imagination and my overly caffeinated and dubious mind are the only real limits on what and how i can listen to what and where and get the point.

i remember when i might feel lucky to put on an album while i run and hear it out, or do i?  i remember running with my sony walkman, which really was made for walking, and listening to the radio, and some mixed cassettes i made. those were the days. hearing the same thing a few hundred times was no big deal. it was how we related to the world. repetition...variety. two opposing influences both fundamental to the growth of an endurance athlete. in the old days, we had lots of the former.

some things never change. the MAN is my hero, always will be. dave scott at 60; the pic below says it all. i bow down. i hope. i eat fruit. i don't miss workouts. i can't win six ironman world titles, so hopefully what i do will be enough. i want to look like this:

when i am sixty also.

enough said. put it on your fridge.


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