the latest, sit in the garage at night and crank it, push through that last set on the bike, play in your head tune all day is this little peice of gold by the Candian band, City and Colour. i was tickled to see that this quite sublime tune and the video, were cut in Hamilton, Ontario, the steel city, the pittsburgh of the north, the salt and shit of the earth kind've very unglamorous and totally canadian place where you can find more tim horton's than starbucks, if you know what i mean. sweetly paradoxical. ironic even.

and you have to love the look and sound of this band. one half the knack, one half the cult, and a bit of american idol thrown in for good measure. (my own oblique reference to neck tattoos)

it is just about as good as a "put your own self into it and fly" tune as it gets. the lyrics, if you make them out, will resonate with those who have loved damaged goods with ambivalence, but they are difficult enough to understand that you can just imagine what they should be in the moment, and this, when combined with one of the tastiest riffs i have heard in years, is a good recipe for imaginative flight. gets things flowing, stirs things up.

 it is the sonic equivalent to a meditation session, psychotherapy and two espressos. well, at least for me.

happy flight.


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