Sigmund Freud believed that dreams of flying symbolized an erection, if not literally, then at least in the sense of flying high on the energy of one's own phallic narcissism; flying is certainly equivalent to potency. 

I have always been inclined towards Carl Jung's ideas when it comes to flying dreams. Flying is escape, ascension, freedom; a symbol of self-realization

 Yet flying also renders one vulnerable and visible. There is nowhere to hide. You are close to the raw elements of wind, rain, sun, and the sheer height above earth is dangerous. (think about poor Icarus).  

Then there is just the pure kinesthetic sense of un-encumbered movement through space, floating, the wind rushing by. I think, we are hard wired to like that. 

It has been said that riding a bike is the closest thing to flying.  This must be true; physically and psychologically. I found the video below during my recent, obsessive web-searching for all things cyclocross (ironic, perhaps, that the thing that moved me most was not about cross) Regardless, thought that this short film captured a whole lot about why we all ride bikes, about the spirit of exploration, determination and pushing limits for the pure joy of it. Enjoy. 


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