Fast. Ageing. Narcissist. one of my new favorite acronyms. F.A.N. can be taken in a couple ways, both relevant, and highly descriptive of who you find on the start line of just about any kind of race anywhere.

FAST: most definitely a four letter word when used to describe someone else..."wow, he sure is fast..."; fast is like a carrot or something from an aesop's fable for many of us; if you can't be fast, look fast, "those wheels are fast", "that is a fast course". yup...four letter word.

FINISH: the antithesis of fast, the consolation of the un-fast, what it is all about, when was the last time you were grateful just to finish? come to think of it,  "just finish" is a four letter word too.

FUN: the ultimate four letter f -word, starts with the first two letters of my favorite four letter f-word and can be used interchangeably. "have fun", "it's all about the fun anyways", i usually tell myself that last one when i am in the bottom of a self-induced hole and it hurts to lie on my bed at night, hurts going up the stairs, and i can't run worth a shit. "FUN, yeah, that is why i do this".

FIT: fitness is a little like the "lochness" monster, we all know its there, or maybe not, but it is so damn hard to see. the fitness monster only surfaces in little bits, for a few seconds, barely enough for a good photograph. for many, fit is yet another lie we tell ourselves about why we are doing what we are doing, just like fun. and, it can be a four letter word, like finish, a consolation prize, "it keeps me fit". fit off.


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